St. Joseph Bulletin

Dear Parish Family:

Welcome to the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus meets Jairus, who pleads for Jesus to heal his sick daughter. This scene is vividly portrayed in the television series, “The Chosen.” The story is a reminder that healing is just a request away. Most of the time we want the healing to be physical, and if that does not happen the healing may be spiritual or psychological. Whenever I celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick with someone, I always remind them that Jesus Christ is the first physician who desires to heal us.

This Sunday we welcome nine new inquirers to the OCIA process. Five are unbaptized and four are baptized in other Christian faiths. Let’s pray for them as they begin their journey and if anyone else would like to inquire about joining the Catholic Church, please contact Sister Eva in the office.

Excavation for the new underground water line for the new fire sprinkler system in the hall is underway for the next 3-4 weeks. From the photos, you can see the open trench. Cars are not permitted in the courtyard during this time. Please follow the path over the plywood planks for Mass on the Grass or evening meetings in the PLC. Please always escort small children through the courtyard. Thanks for your co-operation during this time.

Vacation is also just a request away! It’s time for me to vacate so I will be departing this Friday, July 5 and I will be back for the Sunday Masses on July 21. Please extend your gracious hospitality to Father Paolo Garcia, who will be moving into the residence for two weeks and presiding at all the Sunday and three weekday Masses. Fr. Paolo is the Director at the Queen of Angels Center, the formation house for our college age seminarians. Please pray for our seminarians and for vocations!!

Happy Summer!!
Msgr. Kevin