2023-24 Sunday Faith Formation Parent Information
This fun-filled class allows the children to be with others their own age and learn of the Gospel in an age-appropriate way. The children play, pray, do crafts, and have music time. They learn about the weekly Gospel and our Catholic Traditions. Our dedicated teachers have worked hard to make “Sunday School” a fun place to be! Please join us!
Elementary Faith Formation meets on Sunday mornings, September to May, from 10:30 – 11:15 am. This program is for children grades 1rst – 5th.
Elementary Faith Formation Parent Handbook Grades 1-5 ~ 2023/2024
1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion Preparation is a two-year process. Generally, children begin in Grade 1 and receive their Sacraments in Grade 2. Several special workshops and retreats for parents and children are held during both years to help in the preparation.
Older Children (above Grade 2) are welcome to begin or continue in the Sacrament Preparation Program at any grade level. Families will be directly involved in all Sacramental Programs. We encourage all children to continue their faith journey from elementary through middle school. Our continuing education program for grades 3-5 is called Living Catholic. This program helps our elementary children learn about their Catholic Faith by reading the Holy Scriptures and then follow-up by doing hands-on projects, prayer experiences, video presentations, Saint Walks, Mass preparation, and community outreach.
Baptism for Children Grade 1 and above is called the Rite of Christian Initiation. This process is family centered. Children are expected to attend Religious Education classes according to their grade level. Parents will be included in sessions for the family—dates to be scheduled after the interview with the family.
Middle School Grades 6th-8th sessions are held on Tuesdays 7 – 8 p.m. We meet in the Parish Life Center building (PLC)
Two of the sessions are Fun Middle School Nights a month are from 6:00 pm. – 8:00 p.m.
To see Middle School Parent Handbook/Schedule Click Here.
Fun Nights include Outdoor Movies, Bonfires, outdoor games, family board games and more!
Middle school is the beginning of Youth Ministry at St. Joseph. This ministry facilitates the transition into the high school programs and continued parish involvement.
To register please email: Office Administrator: Michelle@stjosephlb.org
Safe Environment Training – Empowering God’s Children
The School Year 2023 – 2024 Safe Environment Training theme is focused on the important topic of Internet Safety. In today’s world, the internet and technology are a part of children’s and young people’s lives. The Safeguard, the Children website, includes various resources for you to choose from to teach this year’s lesson to the children and young people in your school or Religious Education Program. We have also added additional Online Resources for educators and parents to help increase your understanding of the current issues and give you some resources for your use.