Inspiration: Whatsoever you do for the least of my brethren, so you have done to me.
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of God. Whoever receives one such child in my name, receives me. -Matthew 25:40, 18:3, 5
Our Mission: Care for homeless, adult pregnant women and their children.
Our Members: Compassionate people inspired to welcome God’s creation.
Expenses: Time and financial support are gladly accepted.
Meetings: Volunteer schedules individually arranged.
- Volunteers needed
- Thrift store. Come shop!
- Thrift store donations gladly accepted
- Attend one of our fundraisers
Visit our website for more information:
Contacting Us:
Michelle Gath, Parish Contact
Theresa Murphy, CEO
Martha Alejandre, Director
Precious Life Shelter
P.O. Box 414
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 431-5025