Inspiration: Whatsoever you do for the least of my brethren, so you have done to me. (Matthew 25:40)
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.(Where charity is true, God is there.)
Our Mission: Aid the poor in the Long Beach area primarily with food, clothing, and care. Third World support through Concern America.
Our Members: All members of the St. Joseph parish community who have discerned Jesus’ call to charity and good works.
Meetings: Four to five meetings per year, scheduled as needed.
Activities: Program Flyer
- Weekly sandwiches to St. Francis Center and Catholic Charities of Long Beach
- Semi-monthly breakfast served to Project Achieve
- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food gift baskets: “we care” deliveries of food, blankets, and Christmas presents to needy Long Beach families
- Food from the Heart food drive for Catholic Charities of Long Beach
- Feed-a-Baby food drives for Catholic Charities and New Life Beginnings of Long Beach
- Diaper-a-Baby drive for Catholic Charities and New Life Beginnings of Long Beach
- Personal hygiene kits for the poor and homeless
- Loaves and Fishes bread drive for St. Francis Center of Long Beach
- Financial contributions to local charitable organizations
Contacting Us: Please call Tim Clark at 431-4385 or email to
Assistance Programs:
- All Resources
Emergency and Social Services:
American Red Cross
Disabled Resources Center
Long Beach Senior Center
Medical and Mental Health Services:
C.A.R.E.-St. Mary Medical Center
Long Beach Mental Health-LA County
Mental Health urgent Care Center-Telecare
VA Healthcare System
Public Agencies:
Dept. of Public Social Services-LA County
Long Beach Unified School District
Social Security Administration
Employment Services:
Long Beach Career Transition Center
Goodwill (Note: the MBW Guide lists several Goodwill locations as sources for clothing, but not employment services.)
Substance Use Services:
Redgate Memorial Recovery Center
Safe Refuge (formerly Substance Abuse Foundation)