Inspiration: A Wedding is a Day . . . A Marriage is a Lifetime.
There are in the end three things that last; faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is Love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Our Mission: Catholic Engaged Encounter (CEE) is a weekend devoted to preparing couples to commit themselves to the sacrament of marriage. The weekend, presented by married couples and a priest, takes place at local retreat centers in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Completion of the weekend retreat fulfills the marriage preparation requirements of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Our Members: Couples who have been married in the Catholic Church as well as ordained priests.
Expenses: Couple expenses are reimbursable based upon the Financial Policy of CEE.
Meetings: Four business meetings per year with numerous opportunities to help with the beginning of the weekend retreats. Each Friday night of a weekend retreat always needs assistance:
- Attend Religious Education Congress with other CEE couples
- Attend District CEE Convention during “odd years”
- Attend National CEE Convention during “even years”
- Annual brochure stuffing party 2nd Friday evening in September
- Various community enrichments with Spanish CEE throughout the years
- Provide 35 weekend retreats throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese
Contacting Us: Please call Tom and Diane Krause – (310) 316-3477