December 10, 2012

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion


Inspiration: Here I am Lord, here I am. I come to do your will. (Hebrews 10:7)

O Lord you are the center of my life. I will always praise you, I will always serve you, I will always keep you in my sight. (Psalm 16)

When I was hungry you gave me to eat. When I was thirsty you gave me to drink. (Matthew 25:35)

Whatever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. (Matthew 25:40)

Our Mission: To minister to the members of St. Joseph Parish community and visitors by serving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at Holy Mass.

Our Members: Members are parishioners over 16 years of age. They must be baptized and confirmed. Ministry may begin after training is provided at St. Joseph Church. Diocesan training and certification is subsequently required.

Meetings: Scheduled as needed

Activities: Greet parishioners and visitors before Mass. Distribute the Eucharist during Mass.

Guidelines, Roster and Schedule:


Current Schedule

Contacting Us: Please contact Michelle Reyes at