April 11, 2023

Altar Servers

Inspiration: Then I heard a voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Our Mission: To assist the priests, deacons, and community with all aspects of the Mass.

Our Members: All St. Joseph parish community boys and girls that have received their First Holy Communion and are in 4th grade and above.

Meetings: Training is held in the fall. Schedules are posted quarterly on the parish website and e-mailed or mailed to the families of Altar Servers.

Family Altar Serving: Families are invited to serve during Mass. Please call the parish office for more information.

Activities: Minister to the St. Joseph parish community by assisting clergy to celebrate Holy Mass each Sunday vigil, Sunday, and Holy Day.

Altar Server General Information and Duties:

General Information



Training – Please contact Dcn. Shane or Olga Cuda at 562-594-4657 or email olga@stjosephlb.org

Scheduling: Self-scheduling for the upcoming month is done through the Signup Genius website. Schedules are posted monthly on the parish website and e-mailed to the families of Altar Servers.

Contacting Us:
Mr. Stan Lawrence – (562) 430-0913 or email sglawrence@yahoo.com

Parish Office: (562)594-4657