December 10, 2012

Altar Care


Inspiration: Let us rejoice and be glad, and give Him glory! For this is the wedding day of the Lamb; His bride has prepared herself for the wedding.She has been given a dress to wear made of the finest linen, brilliant white. (Revelation 19:7-8)

Our Mission: Assist our clergy to provide a sacred, reverent, and clean altar and sacristy environment out of love for our Lord, the holy sacraments of the Church, and for our St. Joseph parishioners.

Our Members: Our members are reverent and responsible St. Joseph parishioners dedicated to honoring our Lord by beautifying His holy altar.

Meetings: We meet on Thursday mornings after 8 a.m. Mass for about 45 minutes.

Activities: Dust, wash sacristy sacred vessels, change holy water fonts, straighten up leaflets, etc. in the back of the church, tidy up the sacristy.  Separately, there are a few women that take turns washing and ironing altar linens.

Contacting Us: Rectory – (562) 594-4657